Wisconsin CASA Association

In This Section

Volunteers Needed

Thursday, Jun 4, 2015

CASA Recruitment - Our volunteers can explain better than anyone the rewards of their involvement and the difference a CASA can make for children in foster care. Help us encourage more caring adults to speak for children in juvenile court and raise awareness of CASA in our community.

CRB Recruitment - Truancy is both a family and a community problem that requires input from volunteers determined to turn the situation around. We need more caring adults to volunteer for the Citizen Review Board and raise awareness of CRB and truancy issues in our community.

To lend a hand or learn more about volunteer needs, call Executive Director Ashley Thorne at 866-2920.

Tell a friend, colleague, or co-worker about CASA or CRB.
Pick up brochures to help spread the word.
Tell us about groups or organizations interested in learning more about CASA or CRB.

www.casaforchildren.org or www.casaofsedgwickcounty.org

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